Micayla is the last Zetithian female left in the universe. She doesn't know what's normal for her species, but she knows when she sees Trag that all she wants to do is bite him...
He has searched all over the galaxy for a woman like her...
Trag has sworn he'll never marry unless he can find a Zetithian female. But now that he's finally found Micayla, she may be more of a challenge than even he's able to take on...
description taken from here.
I loved this book! HERO is the first book by Brooks I have ever read. As you can tell from the summary above, HERO is a book that includes "aliens" and space travel. In the past, these types of books have never been my thing. However, I decided to try HERO since it sounded so appealing. It was amazing!
The characters were well developed with adorable little quirks and traits that made me grin and giggle. They seemed very real with thoughts and actions I wholly approved of. Even the minor characters were amazing! The plot was terrific and had me leaping from page to page I was reading it so quickly.
I will SO be getting Brook's other CAT STAR books! I need to know how the rest of the series will be. I actually did not know this until recently when I checked out the series, but HERO is the 6th book in the CAT STAR CHRONICLES. Safe to say, I will be doing a little book shopping very soon. ;)
Good job, Brooks, you have a real winner with your amazing CAT STAR series. I am proudly telling you, right now, here, at Sexy Women Read, that I am a fan of your work. : )
Heat level: Spicy= wow! That's hot!
Rating: ***** MUST HAVE!!!
Until Next Time,
Happy Reading!