Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Writing New Year's resolution

Guest post written by Sharon Parks

I think that one of the toughest things about writing for a living is remembering why you love doing it. Most people don't associate work with what they love, so when you do what you love for a living, it's easy to forget that you loved it in the first place. But I'm making a resolution this year to do some more writing outside of work for fun.

It's been a long time since I tried to get any of my fiction writing published and when I was online with my clear-internet, I found some up and coming literary magazine that I decided I should submit some work to.

My writing New Year's resolution is to try and write a short story each month. I think that's a fair timeline, especially since I have a full time job that I have to keep up with. Plus, I'm a little rusty in the fiction writing department so it will get me back in the swing of things.

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