Hey everyone!
I just wanted to take a minute to wish everyone a very Happy Holidays! Whatever holiday you celebrate, be happy, be with family and friends, and enjoy yourself. : )
Until Next Time,
Happy Reading!

Hey everyone!
I just wanted to take a minute to wish everyone a very Happy Holidays! Whatever holiday you celebrate, be happy, be with family and friends, and enjoy yourself. : )
My friend over at Never Too Shy Reviews is giving away a gorgeous pair of boxed (practically gift wrapped!) panties. They would perfect for yourself or any lovely lady in your life.
Giveaway ends December 14th!
Wow, I apologise for the big gap in between reviews! I didn't realize it had been so long. School has been crazy and then I was sick for a couple weeks and now the holidays are making it even crazier! Some of you must have thought I had died it has been so long since I have last posted, but I'm here with another review, and I have to say, this is the best story I have read in a long long time.
Guest post written by Robert Mays
I've been stuck on all kinds of books lately that are more serious, see I'm trying to read a lot of the American classics for the fun of it because it disturbs me how many I haven't read until now. But I've been needing a little break from all of that and wanted to read some current books that are a little more light hearted. But I think that I've found an author that I can count on for when I need some more light hearted stuff that's really funny.
I went online with my bundle clear internet to some book blogs reader forums and posed the question for some suggestions about soem good funny books I could read. Well one author's name kept coming up again and again, Christopher Moore.
So I did some research on him and ended up getting A Dirty Job book that's written by him. It ended up being really funny. The lead character in it learns that his job is death, as in he has the job to be a Grim Reaper.
**See FAQ or Disclaimer for questions.**
Guest post written by Lindsay Purdue
I've been wanting to take writing classes for a long time, but had never really had the time or the money to do it until recently. I found out about one at my local community center that fit into my budget and my schedule, so I went ahead and signed up for it.
I was really scared to write and share it with other people, so I looked up a whole bunch of writing tips with my Los Angeles ClearWire wireless internet and kept those in mind for my class.
I've also been thinking about why my favorite writers are my favorites. I even read a bunch of stuff by writer Danielle Steel and figured out some of the writing techniques that she uses to really get the attention and infatuation of her readers and keep it throughout her whole books. I might try and write some romance stories like her, I just donÕt want to make them risquŽ. A whole lot more sweet than risquŽ because my classmates will be reading it.
**See FAQ or Disclaimer for any questions.**
First off, sorry I didn't post this Saturday, my life caught up with me and I have been sooo busy lately it's not even funny. Seriously. I mean, I barely have a spare moment to remember to breathe right now (ha ha).
A HUGE thanks to Hachette who has sponsored this giveaway. Hachette- you are amazing and I love you and your book list!
And, now, the winners...
It's the last day to enter in the Sin Undone giveaway!! If you haven't already, enter now. Or, if you have already entered, now is the time to make sure you did all of those extra entries I give you guys.
Until Next Time,
Happy Reading!
Happy Friday!!!
TGIF, right? I'm so glad the week is over, and now I can just relax. So, if you want to grab yourself a quick and easy 4 extra entries for the Sin Undone giveaway, you can comment (4 times if you want those 4 entries!) with "Friday Rocks" on the giveaway page.
The link is to your left on the top column. : )
Until Next Time,
Happy Reading!
Thanks for the guest post by Jo Levy
I love watching my favorite driver race in different races. I watch Nascar racing every chance I get at home on my satellite TV. I ordered satellite tv from http://www.directstartv.com/directv_current_offer.html. The Nascar Sprint Cup Race for the Chase has been a great series of races. There are a couple races left and every driver is trying to do the best they can. There is not much of a difference in points between some of the drivers right now. The top ten are going to the final race. I know my favorite driver, Kevin Harvick, will be in the final race. He is first place in the points standings right now. So there is really no doubt that he will compete in the final race. I think that he is the greatest driver in Nascar. He is about 34 years old and has been racing professionally since he was 20. He has the driving experience and a good personality. He has been my all time favorite driver for a long time. I can't wait to see the next race. He has won many races and many awards in his career. I am hoping he will win the final race in this Sprint Cup series. I love watching the races, they are so exciting and full of suspense. This next race is going to be a good one.
**This is a sponsored guest post. I did receive a small fee for posting. The opinions and views are from the writer, and do not reflect me or Sexy Women Read's views and/or opinions.**
This guest post from Lewis Beck
I use hughesnet to dial up to the internet and find the best deals no matter what I am shopping for. Whether I am looking for a new outfit or when I was looking for wireless internet providers by zip code, I always turn to the world wide web first. The internet has so many sources that can help you save money. Whenever I am looking to buy something new I look online first. I can find the stores that offer the item at the lowest price, order directly online, and even read reviews on which items are the best ones out there. My satelite internet Bryan TX has helped me save thousands of dollars on items big and small. I was able to find the best deals on my kitchen appliances and save over five hundred dollars by simply going to the store that offered the best price. The internet cuts out the time it takes to shop around and go from one store to the next. With a few clicks of the mouse I am able to find the best prices and buy the items I need at a price I can afford.
**This is a sponsored post. I did recieve a small fee for posting this. All opinions are my own unless otherwise stated. As a guest post, I did not write this, and in no way reflects me or Sexy Women Read.**
The Sizzling Summer Nights giveaway is now over and the winners have been chosen via random.org.
This isn't a review. I'm too tired right now to actually right a real review, but I will probably post one soon of this book if I don't ramble too much about it right here and now.
So, I had a Blond Moment this morning...
I went to check the mail and was excited with all my goodies. (Turns out my goodies were just my books for the new semester, but oh well.) Anyways, I got a WalMart sample of Cottonelle toilet paper.
You know how one piece of tissue will stick out of a tissue box (the kind you use to blow your nose with)? Well, one piece of toilet paper was attached to a piece of cardboard with some coupons and a sample of flush able wet wipes.
I showed my mom. I told her, "Are you kidding me?? This is my sample? How am I even supposed to see if I like this toilet paper when there is only one piece?"
My mom starts laughing. She says "I guess they are saying that you only need one square because it is so absorbent, huh?"
I said, "This is stupid! How is anyone supposed to wipe themselves with ONE square of toilet paper?"
Well... It turns out that my mom was making fun of me. She then told me that there was more toilet paper stuck in the little boxed off area at the bottom of the carboard display (if you don't know what I mean then look below at the picture of some vitamins. See how where "One A Day" is written? Well, the box was much smaller, but it is the same idea. It was a boxed off area at the bottom of the display).
Are you trying to sell your home? Go here and enter your zip code to how much your place is worth!
WeBuyHouses is an easy and helpful way to sell your house, try it today!
**I get paid a small fee per zip code is entered after the specific link above is clicked. I did not get paid for posting this post however. All opinions are my own unless otherwise stated.**