Saturday, December 5, 2009

Review: Dark Prince by Christine Feehan

     Dark Prince is a Paranormal Romance.  The creatures aren't "true" vampires, but a race called Carpathians.  A Carpathian is a 'creature of the earth'.  They have super strength, super hearing and eyesight, they can read and control people's minds, they sleep in the ground, they can live just about forever, and they must drink blood.
     Sounds like a vampire, huh?   A Carapthian can become a "true" vampire after they kill someone while drinking their blood.  What's the difference, you ask?  The difference is, one is crazed while the other is not.  So, that is the Paranormal aspect of the story, now let's get to the Romance part.
      Christine Feehan knows how to write a romance!  There is quite a few really good sex scenes built into this novel (which is in a series for those of you interested).  A young woman, Raven, who has telepathic abilities, is used to helping track down killers.  After an especially hard hunt, she escapes to the beautiful Carapthian Mountians near Hungary.  Raven thinks she is a freak, until she meets a mysterious man who has the same abilities.
     Meet Mikhail Dubrinsky.  He is the Prince to his race, not to mention a couple thousand years old.  Raven is "the light to his dark", his savior, and, most of all, his one true mate.  Mikhail, of course, is gorgous, not to mention rich beyond compare.  But, hey, when you have been around as long as Mikhail has, your money tends to add up.  Raven is his everything, so it's no wonder she falls hard for him since he treats her like his princess, which might not be too far off the mark since he is a prince.
      Feehan weaves a beautiful tale of romance and adventure, of love and hate, and a bit of danger.  At 314 pages, she leaves you begging for more, which is okay, because if you pick up the edition (it's the same price as the regular book) that includes the short story Dark Descent then you will have another 130 pages to enjoy of a complete short story!
    In total, there are 20 books in the Dark series by Christine Feehan.  (The first is Dark Prince)

To find out more about the Dark series, and to find the reading order, you can click here:

To find out more about Christine Feehan, you can check out here website here:

You can become freiends with Feehan on Facebook here:
and on myspace here:

Until next time,
Happy Reading!